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The Australian National University

LinkR survey

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This survey is entirely voluntary and your identity will be recorded, but your responses will be treated anonymously as described in our Privacy Policy.

General LinkR usage

How frequently do you use LinkR?


Why do you use LinkR?


How did you hear about LinkR?


General Facebook usage

How long have you had a Facebook account?


How often do you use Facebook?


How satisfied are you with the Facebook news stream?

Hate it

Love it

How relevant to you are most of the Facebook news item?

Most are not relevant

Most are relevant

What do you like about the Facebook news stream?


What do you dislike about the Facebook news stream?


Your experiences with LinkR

How many link recommendations would you like to see per day?


Do you like to see links from:

Do you find that ANU LinkR recommends interesting links that you may not have otherwise seen?

No, never

Yes, very often

Do you feel that ANU LinkR has adapted to your preferences since you first started using it?

No, huh?

Yes! I clearly felt so

How relevant are the daily recommended links?

Not relevant at all

Very relevant

Overall, how satisfied are you with LinkR?

Not happy, will never use again

Love it! Will keep using everyday

What have you liked about LinkR's recommendations?


What have you disliked about LinkR's recommendations?


If you could modify how LinkR recommends links to you, what would you change?


Other Comments about LinkR


Thank you for your responses!!!

Updated:  18 June 2020/Responsible Officer:  Head of School /Page Contact:  DMM Webmaster