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The Australian National University

LinkR contact researchers

Let us know if you would like to work on a project with us or propose a project!
We need more research students!

Please contact Khoi-Nguyen Tran ( for all enquiries about LinkR before contacting others.

Below are brief profiles of the LinkR researchers.


Khoi-Nguyen Tran, PhD Student / Research Assistant

LinkR Manager and Developer

I am a Research Assistant in the Research School of Computer Science for 2011. I have suspended my PhD study to work on the LinkR project. I completed my Bachelor of Computer Science (Honours) degree at ANU in 2009 and went on to start a PhD in 2010. I am interested in new technologies, especially those related to the Web and gaming and recently, on smart phone platforms.

My research interests are generally in the Web, data mining, social networks, machine learning, artificial intelligence, Semantic Web, and many others. Recently, I am interested in the Kinect and its research potential.

Visit Khoi-Nguyen's Web page.
Visit Khoi-Nguyen's Facebook profile.

Joseph Noel, MCOMP (Honours) Student

LinkR Recommender Algorithms Theory and Developer

I am a Master of Computing (Honours) student at ANU. My honours project is about social recommender systems. Before coming to Australia to study, I worked as a project manager at Hewlett Packard Asia-Pacific.

Visit Joseph's Facebook profile.

Theorists and analysts

These are the people that direct the students/programmers above.

Dr Peter Christen

LinkR Project Lead at ANU

I am a Senior Lecturer in the Research School of Computer Science, and the Associate Dean (Higher Degree Research) in the College of Engineering and Computer Science. My research expertise is in data mining and data matching (record linkage). In a previous project, I have worked with the NSW Department of Health on the development of advanced data matching techniques. For this, access to real NSW health data was granted by ANU Ethics Committee under protocol 2002/11 "Parallel techniques for high-performance record linkage". My work has been published in over 50 papers in data mining conferences and journals, including ACM SIGKDD, IEEE ICDM, ACM CIKM, Springer KAIS and AusDM.

My research interests include privacy-preserving data mining, social network mining, record linkage, and entity resolution.

Visit Peter's Web page.
Visit Peter's Facebook profile.

Dr Scott Sanner

LinkR Project Lead at NICTA, Recommender Algorithms - Theory and Analysis

With my colleagues, I am designing some of the novel algorithms that will be deployed for the Facebook Link Recommendation project.

My research focuses on a broad range of topics under the umbrella of intelligent decision-making in AI spanning graphical models, machine learning, sequential decision theory, knowledge representation and reasoning, and information retrieval. I've applied these analytic and algorithmic tools to a diverse set of applications including traffic control, active recommendation systems, efficient reasoning on the Semantic Web, and robotics.

Visit Scott's Web page.
Visit Scott's Facebook profile.

Dr Edwin Bonilla

LinkR Recommender Algorithms - Theory and Analysis

I am a (post-doctoral) researcher at NICTA and an adjunct research fellow at the Australian National University. My research focuses on the development of probabilistic models for the construction of systems that can learn from their past experience and for the analysis of complex (and possibly very high dimensional) structured data. Therefore, my research lies at the intersection of machine learning, statistics, computer science and artificial intelligence.

In particular, I am interested in graphical models; Bayesian statistics; transfer learning; Gaussian processes; learning from structured data; reinforcement learning; optimization; and applications including topic modelling, information retrieval, activity recognition, adaptive optimizing compilation, micro-architectural design and computer vision.

Visit Edwin's Web page.
Visit Edwin's Facebook profile.

Dr Lexing Xie

LinkR Recommender Algorithms - Results Analysis

I am a lecturer for the Research School of Computer Science. My research expertise is in data mining, multimedia and social network analysis. I have previously conducted in-lab and online user studies on film summary evaluation, image tag preferences, and interactive video retrieval with 6-30 different users. Examples of these results were published in ACM Multimedia 2002, 2007 and ACM CIVR 2010, among others.

My research interest lies lies broadly in data mining and applied machine learning. Several areas of recent work include: Multimedia analysis and retrieval, Social media tracking and analysis, and Spatial-temporal data mining on urban events.

I came to ANU in December 2010 after a few memorable years at IBM T J Watson Research Center. Before that I got my degrees at Columbia University in New York City and Tsinghua University in Beijing. My previous webpages are here and here. When not hacking code/paper or jamming ideas, I can be found peeking through my camera, reading, or playing music badly.

Visit Lexing's Web page.
Visit Lexing's Facebook profile.

Ehsan Abbasnejad, PhD Student

LinkR Recommender Algorithms - Theory and Analysis

I am a PhD student at the Australian National University and NICTA. I am interested in machine learning and its wide range of real world applications. In particular, I have completed a research degree on kernel methods for my MSc and focused on graphical models and their applications in social recommendation for my PhD.

Visit Ehsan's Facebook profile.

Updated:  18 June 2020/Responsible Officer:  Head of School /Page Contact:  DMM Webmaster